Touristic Marseille
© Office Métropolitain de Tourisme et des Congrès de Marseille
Practical Information
Touristic Documents
What to visit in Marseille
© Office Métropolitain de Tourisme et des Congrès de Marseille
Eat and Drink in Marseille
The friendly atmosphere is the main flavour of meals here in Marseille where the typical daily fare includes olive oil and garlic. At the crossroads of the Mediterranean, Marseille is no stranger to foreign cuisine and has even adopted some recipes as its own. The result? Spicy dishes with a sunny touch, not to mention fish, shellfish and other seafood delicacies that make up the local fare.
The choice of restaurants ranges from traditional french cuisine to international cuisine and from bistros to gourmet restaurants. Whether at the foot of Notre-Dame de la Garde, at the old port, with a sea view or in a historical place, you will inevitably find a restaurant that suits your needs.

© Office Métropolitain de Tourisme et des Congrès de Marseille

© Office Métropolitain de Tourisme et des Congrès de Marseille
Useful contacts - Emergency
Police emergency | 17 |
Fire brigade | 18 |
SAMU | 15 |
Poison control center | 04 91 75 25 25 |
Items lost and found | 04 91 50 26 60 |
Pharmacy on duty | 3237 |
EU emergency number | 112 |
Theft/lost of Visa Card | 08 92 705 |
Veterinarian emergencies | 04 91 13 44 44 |
Report the loss of your papers to the police which will give you a receipt, then you need to contact your consulate.
Ask the police the local lost property telephone number.
41 bd de Briançon – 13003 T: 04 91 50 26 60
SPA Marseille Provence
31 Montée du Commandant de Robien – 13011 – T: 0 820 82 08 96
In case of dispute with a hotel, restaurant, retailer, you must contact the Direction Départementale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des Fraudes (departmental consumer rights organization) 22 rue Borde – 13008 – T: 04 91 17 95 00.